
Our Partners and funders


LIF is the trade association for the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden. LIF has about 60 member companies who represent approximately 80 percent of the total sales of pharmaceuticals in Sweden.

Ministry of Health and Social affairs

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is responsible for areas that concern the welfare of the community: financial security in the event of illness, in old age and for families; social services; health and medical care; health promotion; children’s rights; individual support for people with disabilities and coordination of the national disability policy.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

The Foreign Service is responsible for Swedens relations with other countries. The task of the Foreign Service is to contribute to realising the Governments overall foreign policy objectives. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is also responsible for coordinating Swedish foreign policy at the Government Offices.

SALAR ( The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions)

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions represents the governmental, professional and employer-related interests of Sweden’s 290 municipalities and 20 county councils which include the regions of Gotland, Halland, Västra Götaland and Skåne.

Swedish Medtech

Swedish Medtech is the Association for Medical Technology in Sweden with approximately 150 member companies, which represent nearly 90 percent of the total turnover of the medical technology market in Sweden.

Business Sweden

Business Sweden is a merger between the Swedish Trade Council and Invest Sweden. They are jointly owned by the Swedish government and the private business .The Swedish government is represented by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the private business by the Swedish Foreign Trade Association. The public-private ownership provides access to contacts and networks at all levels.

Other partners

Medeon Science Park

In Malmö’s absolute center a new district for medical research, education and entrepreneurship is created – the medical Malmö. A rich blend of health and care with a rich urban life and culture. On site is a 100-year tradition of caring activities by the University Hospital.

Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH)

NCSH is a cross-sectoral network involving stakeholders, organisations, projects and expertise in the area of sustainable healthcare – all sharing the goal of creating a more sustainable healthcare sector. The Nordic countries and many of NCSH's international members have a solid knowledge base and advanced technologies for improved environmental performance and sustainability in healthcare. Our goal is to make the knowledge and solutions more accessible and visible worldwide. TEM is the parent organisation of the network NCSH.

Nordic Proof

Nordic Proof is a network of professional and efficient public health care test sites that actively contributes to business development in the Nordic healthcare sector.

Stockholm Region

Stockholm Region’s mandate is to ensure that its residents have access to healthcare and public transport as well as preventing health problems.


The Sweden-India Business Council (SIBC) is the first choice network for growing business between Sweden and India.


SwedenBIO is the an organization working for the benefit of the entire life science industry in Sweden. SwedenBIO is a member driven, private non-profit organization. The main objective is to improve and maintain industry conditions which will support prosperous growth and business development among member companies.

Uppsala Health Summit

How can we make the most of research findings and innovations for sustainable healthcare solutions? Uppsala Health Summit is an international forum for these challenges. Uppsala Health Summit brings together decision makers, opinion leaders and experts from industry, politics, academia and other fields for an open and trustful dialogue about tomorrow’s healthcare, encompassing different perspectives such as medicine, socio-economics and ethics.

Our Foreign Collaboration Partners

CII - Confederation of Indian Industry, Health Care section (Indien)

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) arbetar för att främja tillväxt av indiskt näringsliv och för samverkan mellan privat och offentlig sektor. CII är Indiens främsta affärssammanslutning och i nätverket finns cirka 90.000 indiska företag från nära 400 nationella och regionala sektorer och sammanslutningar.


FESCO (Beijing Foreign Enterprise Service Group Co., Ltd.) is an industry pioneer as the first human resources company in China. and established in 1979. With 40 years of continuous growth, FESCO Group has developed into an influential conglomerate specializing in human resources services, as well as business services, sports and entertainment, education and training, cultural innovation, etc. The human resource services of FESCO covers 31 provinces and municipalities throughout China, and FESCO has set up subsidiaries in 23 major cities and established 46 branches across China. Now FESCO owns more than 100 cooperative institutions, and provides services to over 20,000 companies as well as 1,500,000 domestic and overseas employees working for those companies. 

Innovatio Curis (Indien) 

InnovatioCuris which is commonly known as “IC” is a unique organization, which brings deep healthcare expertise, a scientific rigour on applying global innovation models & management processes by leveraging IT to deliver healthcare at an optimum cost.They want to facilitate the entry of Indian companies into European market, and entry of Swedish companies into the Indian market.

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, DCED (USA)

The Department of Community and Economic Development’s mission is to encourage the shared prosperity of all Pennsylvanians by supporting good stewardship and sustainable development initiatives across our commonwealth. With a keen eye toward diversity and inclusiveness, we act as advisors and advocates, providing strategic technical assistance, training, and financial resources to help our communities and industries flourish.

The State of Maryland, Department of Commerce (USA)

The Department of Commerce is the State of Maryland's primary economic development agency, wihich purpose is to stimulate private investment and create jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies. They also promote the state's many commercial advantages and outstanding quality of life to spur economic development, international investment, trade and tourism. N

KHIDI - Korea Health Indystry Development Institute (Sydkorea)

KHIDI is a government-affiliated institution which carries out the systematic and professional support for the improvement of public health and enhancement of the international competitiveness in the health industry. Since its establishment in 1999, KHIDI has been recognized as a healthcare leading institute of Korea, contributing to the development of medical services, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, senior-friendly industry, as well as inbound and outbound of global medical services.

Uganda Health Care Federation

Uganda Health Care Federation (UHF) is an umbrella organization affiliated to the East Africa Health Care Federation and as such represents the interests of non-state health players in Uganda.

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