
Support to Ukraine Healthcare

Vårt arbete fokuserar på att stödja Ukrainas återuppbyggnad av hälso- och sjukvården.

Den 15 april 2024 fick Swecare i uppdrag av regeringen att stödja utvecklingen av Ukrainas hälso- och sjukvård. År 2024 har varit ett bra första steg i detta långsiktiga projekt. Genom samarbeten och ökat engagemang från både svenska och ukrainska aktörer har vi skapat viktiga förutsättningar för att hjälpa Ukrainas sjukvård. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta vårt arbete under 2025 och här kan ni läsa mer om våra aktiviteter, rapporter och framsteg.

For Swedish businesses, entering the Ukrainian market now means being part of a transformative journey. As the country rebuilds, it seeks innovative solutions and highquality products, creating fertile ground for mutually beneficial partnerships. Investing in Ukraine is not just a response to immediate needs; it's a strategic move toward shaping a resilient healthcare system that aligns with European standards, paving the way for future opportunities.

Kateryna Pavelko and Anastasiia Flanagan

Project Managers, Swecare

Read our report about the healthcare system in Ukraine 2024

This report provides an overview of the ongoing reform in the Ukrainian healthcare system since 2017, its main actors, their roles, the decision-making processes that guide the system’s functioning, and the needs and priorities in the Ukrainian healthcare system due to the war.

Healthcare System Ukraine Thumbnail

Read our report about funding opportunities for Swedish life science in Ukraine

Understanding these fiscal flows is essential in planning a market entry, and in this report we have sought to provide guidelines for precisely this. Our hope for an outcome of this 
report is the understanding that the Ukrainian healthcare solution market, despite its unique challenges, is resilient, dynamic and has a capacity and acceptance of Swedish 
solutions, for many of which there will be no domestic alternatives in the nearest future. It is our privilege, as part of Team Sweden, to give you this “lazy dog” (lathund) with a 
perspective of opening your new “business case Ukraine”

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Protez Hub visit

Ukraine: since the beginning of the war there are 6000 new limb losses per year, adding to the roughly 60000 persons living with amputations already. Many of these are accompanied by other trauma, both physical and psychological. One of the goals of the Ukrainian NGO ProtezHub is to improve quality of life and give optimum chances to amputees. On Tuesday-Friday last week, they have been in Jönköping University, brainstorming, learning and honing practical skills.

För mer information, kontakta:


Kateryna Pavelko

Project Manager

+46 8 406 75 54

Anastasia Flanagan

Project Manager

+46 8 406 75 56